When Last Minute Orders Are complicated.
I have found that there are few last minute orders that are really complicated that we turn down, many of them for celebrities, they seem to always need a cake for a talent the next day, but there are times we take on the challenge especially when they are unique. Take for example the cake above, it was ordered by a realty firm for a client they were trying to win an account from, it was to be three buildings that replicated the actual buildings done by a construction company, the realty agency wanted exclusive rights to rent or sell the units hence the courting with the cake. We only had two and a half days to make this cake and it was really a lot of work, I've found sometimes it's best just to not think about the task and just plow through it, this is how we got through finishing this cake on time. By the way, we never like turning down a cake for a celebrity but frankly a lot of times it just impossible to do.
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